Think You Don’t Need an Expert Business Coach?

2 Minutes Read

Entrepreneurs, CEOs and other business leaders are a self-confident bunch. They’re good at what they do and they know it. This may be why a certain segment of this elite population is convinced they don’t need an expert business coach.

Here are other reasons why you may not require the services of an expert business coach:

  • You get objective, even critical advice from people who report to you.
  • You have no doubts about the wisdom of your long-range strategic goals.
  • Your sales team closes deals at a staggering 100% success rate.
  • You never feel isolated in your leadership role.

If any of the above pertain to you, my congratulations. But the truth is, in my long experience as both the owner of a business and as a veteran business coach, I can’t think of any entrepreneur or business owner who can check off all or even most of the statements listed above.

Which leaves the rest of us “mortal” entrepreneurs, CEOs and business owners.

I don’t have to tell you that running your own business consumes an overwhelming amount of time and effort. Even if you’re fortunate enough to be surrounded by a capable and reliable team, it’s extremely difficult to tear yourself away from day-to-day operations, and focus on the essential component of planning your company’s long-range growth.

And we’re not even talking about figuring out a way to balance the demands of your work with your personal life—time you’d like to spend with your spouse and family. For virtually all entrepreneurs, I think it’s safe to say, these remain urgent obstacles to a sense of fulfillment and satisfactory work/life balance.

So let’s look again at how getting some outside assistance might resolve the most pressing challenges in your professional life.

An Expert Business Coach Can:

Tell the truth. Do you really expect someone in your company to offer honest feedback on your leadership qualities and the operational efficiency of the company, particularly if some negative observation must be made? No employee will ever stick his or her neck out in such a situation. A business coach, on the other hand, is committed to offering an objective and insightful analysis.

Speak from personal experience. When it comes to successful business ventures, any coach worth hiring has “been there and done that.” They know from first-hand experience how to think strategically, hire and fire employees, balance the books, boost sales, etc.

Alert you to blind spots. Like it or not, most CEOs and business owners live and work in some degree of isolation. If this continues long enough, they eventually develop blind spots where they don’t execute as well as they’d like to think they do. Uncovering these blind spots can lead to significantly enhanced self-awareness and a greater capacity to perform at the very highest level.

Hold you accountable. Right now, it’s unlikely there’s anyone in your company to whom you feel accountable for your actions. You may say, “I will have a new five-year plan ready in a week,” but when the deadline rolls around and nothing happens, no one’s going to call you on it. A business coach will demand accountability and help make sure you follow through on initiatives, new ideas and other actions needed to move the business forward.

Get you unstuck. Many business leaders (especially those without a viable sounding board) reach a point of burnout or just “feeling stuck.” They’re out of fresh strategies and can’t muster the excitement they once felt for their business. A coach can help you regain your entrepreneurial spirit and get those creative juices flowing again.

Many of the most effective business leaders in the world have benefited from expert business coaching. If you think the time is right for you—or simply want to investigate your options—we invite you to contact Catapult Groups to find out more.

Brad Mishlove
